If you're on this page, you're certainly aware of the high costs surrounding long-term care. Unfortunately, it's a silent threat many are unprepared for. As we enjoy longer lives thanks to advancements in healthcare, the need for long-term care is increasing rapidly. However, the costs associated with it pose an enormous risk to your financial security.
Here's the hard truth. The average annual cost of a private room in a nursing home is over $100,000. In-home care isn't much cheaper, averaging around $50,000 per year. These expenses can quickly drain your retirement savings, leaving you vulnerable in your golden years.
Additionally, many believe that government programs like Medicare will cover these costs. Sadly, this is a common misconception. Medicare only pays for a limited period of care following a hospital stay. After that, you're on your own. For the majority, Medicaid is not a viable option either - to qualify, one must deplete most of their assets and essentially self-impoverish.
So, the question remains, how do you safeguard your retirement savings from the looming threat of long-term care expenses? Is there a way to protect your financial stability while ensuring you receive the necessary care when you need it?
The answer is 'YES'. I've designed a unique three-pillar strategy that addresses all these issues and provides a comprehensive solution. Watch the video above to discover how you can protect your assets, maintain your dignity, and increase your net worth. If you feel like this approach meets your needs, schedule a free call to personalize a strategy.

This strategy is a practical, independent, and no b.s. approach to long-term care insurance for retirement. I recommend anyone who's considering long-term care insurance schedule a strategy call with me before buying any policy.

Marty Becker
President Atlas Financial Strategies

A Few More Things You Should Absolutely Know
About Long Term Care Insurance...
Why I Started Working In Long Term Care Insurance
I'm Marty Becker.
My career began as firefighter where I spent many years working on an ambulance as a paramedic, and my most common emergency responses were to nursing homes. It was through experiencing the most horrendous conditions of these facilities that drove me to question why some people ended up in these places versus receiving clean, competent care.
The answer was almost always a lack of long-term care planning. Even well-off people who worked hard and saved their entire lives find themselves wiped out and stuck in these awful facilities.
It's with this insight that I've committed myself to educate as many people as I can about the need for long-term insurance, and help them find the most appropriate solution that meets their needs.
I began working with Long-Term Care Insurance to show you what's available, and how to create a strategy that will not only protect your legacy, but assist in growing your assets through retirement using long-term care insurance.

Watch My Complete Strategy For Using Long-Term Care Insurance
This video will show you step-by-step how I approach quoting long-term care insurance for retirement.
Watch My Complete Guide To Long-Term Care Insurance Video (22min)

I was so confused about whether my wife and I needed long-term care insurance or rely on Medicare. I started doing research and found Marty's videos then spoke with him. He always makes time for me and his information is sound and simple to understand.

Don & Peggy
My wife Peggy and I were concerned that using Medicare for our long-term care would cause major stress to our 5 children. At 68, I thought it was too late to get a long-term care insurance policy that would be worth the money. Marty gave us all the numbers up front, and with his strategy, our assets are protected, and we're earning well over the returns we ever expected.