How Much Long Term Care Insurance
Should You Buy?

 One question that I'm frequently asked, and address this post, is: "What percentage of my income should I use to fund a long term care insurance policy?" or more plainly, "How much long term care insurance should you buy?"

Your Unique Financial Circumstances

Everyone has a distinct financial landscape. Consequently, determining how much long-term care insurance you should buy isn't a straightforward calculation. Let's illustrate this with a hypothetical scenario: Imagine two individuals considering identical long-term care coverage. Person A has a high annual income while Person B has an average one. Even for the same coverage, the percentage of their income directed towards the policy will differ. Why? Because while the coverage remains constant, their financial capabilities and constraints are varied.

The Guiding Principle: The 15% Rule

While personalization is paramount in financial decisions, certain guiding principles can serve as a starting point. One such principle when contemplating a lump sum deposit for long-term care insurance is the 15% rule.

In essence, you shouldn't commit more than 15% of your net worth to the policy. But like every rule, it has its exceptions. If you're blessed with a net worth of 10 million, plowing 1.5 million into a long-term care policy doesn't make practical sense. However, for someone with a net worth around a million dollars, earmarking $150,000 for both themselves and their spouse can be judicious, particularly when factoring in the escalating costs of medical care.

how much long-term care insurance should I buy?

Considering that two individuals in a skilled nursing facility can rack up costs upwards of $200,000 annually, investing a lump sum of $150,000 into long-term care insurance starts appearing more and more rational.

Striking the Right Balance with Long-Term Care Insurance

So, back to our original question: How much long-term care insurance should you buy? To answer this, we must first understand that it's a delicate act of balancing. Over-insuring can lead to unnecessary expenditures, while under-insuring might leave you exposed to potential future risks.

This equilibrium can only materialize when there's a holistic understanding of your current financial situation paired with future aspirations. That's the reason I emphasize the completion of the Atlas long-term care questionnaire before we broach any discussions about quotes. This detailed assessment aids in crafting a plan meticulously tailored to your unique circumstances.

The Final Verdict: Deciding How Much Long Term Care Insurance Should You Buy

While there's no universal answer to how much long-term care insurance one should buy, following guidelines like the 15% rule and seeking expert advice can steer you in the right direction. Every individual's circumstances are different, and to truly gauge the appropriate amount to invest in long-term care insurance, one needs a nuanced comprehension of their financial picture.

Investing time now to determine the right amount of insurance can safeguard your future, ensuring you and your loved ones are protected against unforeseen medical expenses. It's about finding that sweet spot that aligns with your financial abilities while covering potential future health needs.

I urge you to delve deeper into this topic, exploring the various facets of long-term care insurance. And remember, when you ask yourself the question, How much long-term care insurance should you buy?, it's not merely about figures; it's about securing a comfortable and worry-free future.
