Watch this short video series to learn which annuities I use and how I use them to get an average of 20% more spendable retirement income than any other advisor plans you've seen.

"Will the stock market crash in 2024?", is not such a crazy question as of

Will The Stock Market Crash in 2024?

We're going to dive into a guaranteed income annuity case study I recently wrapped up.

Episode 35: Guaranteed Income Annuity Case Study

I have finally done an in-depth review of the Allianz 222 annuity. This is one

The Allianz 222 Annuity Reviewed

Recently, I've had several conversations regarding some of the fixed index annuity returns that I've

Episode 33: Comparing Risk vs. Safety With Fixed Index Annuity Returns

In today's episode, we're going to talk about how it's possible for annuity companies to

Episode 32: How Insurance Companies Can Offer Guaranteed Lifetime Income Annuities

Reading Time: 6 minutes Table of ContentsTypes of Money: Non-Qualified, Qualified, and RothNon-Qualified Money and

Episode 31: How are Annuities Taxed?

Today, I'm going to walk you through the Nationwide New Heights Annuity. This product has

Episode 30: The Truth About Nationwide New Heights Annuity

The most effective way to compare an annuity to alternative retirement income strategies is by

Episode 29: How Annuities Beat Alternative Retirement Income Strategies

The decision to surrender an annuity isn’t simple and shouldn’t be taken lightly. There are

Episode 28: Should You Surrender An Annuity Contract?

Today we're going to compare the Fidelity annuities offerings (along with a few other large

5 Fidelity Annuities Reviewed: Do They Give You The Best Deal?

 When thinking of life insurance/annuities companies, one of the first things that pops into people’s

Should I Only Use A Rated Annuity Companies?

Reading Time: 4 minutes In my work with clients approaching retirement, I’ve noticed a troubling

Episode 25: Annuity Bonus Rates Alone Don’t Matter

Today, we're going to look at how to use annuities in place of life insurance.

Episode 24: How To Use Annuities as Life Insurance

In today's episode, we're going to be looking at a case study that I've recently

Episode 23: Beware of Dinner Seminar Annuities

Misconceptions about discretionary liquidity in retirement funds is a topic that, while crucial, often goes

Episode 22: Analyzing Discretionary Liquidity in Retirement

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Watch The Video Series Below To Receive My Breakthrough Annuity Strategy For Generating 20% MORE

Learn How To Get The Most Guaranteed Income Possible Through Retirement With An Index AnnuityExplore

Learn Who Index Annuities Work For, And How I Choose The Best Annuities For Income

Learn How To Use Index Annuities To Optimize Your Market Gains With Zero Risk To

Discover The #1 Question To Determine If You Can Gain 20% More In Spendable Income

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